In 2008, Sister Marita began our prayer shawl ministry. Over the years we have hand delivered or mailed hundreds of shawls. With each shawl goes a card with a prayer for comfort and healing. Many times we have received a thank you from the person or a family member for the thoughts and comfort the shawl has brought to them.
Since the beginning we have never charged for a shawl and Sister Marita told a story about how she got so upset with a person who wanted to buy a prayer shawl and Sister would not sell one. She told this person that our ministry would gladly mail one anywhere it was needed but we did not sell prayer shawls! This continues to be our policy. We continue to mail shawls and deliver them. We also have them in the parish office and can be picked up by parishioners. The only thing we ask is the name of the person receiving the shawl so we can keep it in our book of shawls.
Many have donated yarn to our ministry. We appreciate this but in some cases the yarn is not prayer shawl yarn. We donate what we cannot use to the library for their programs. We have also received money for yarn or postage. These donations keep the knitters knitting. Thank you.
If you are interested in knitting with us, please join us the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm.
For more information or to request a prayer shawl please contact Kirsten Lietz.